Are You Ready to Side Hustle?

How my side hustle taught me lessons in personal leadership

Vincent Vicari
2 min readDec 4, 2022
Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

When I was in my 30s, the idea of making more money was driven by two factors, starting a family and building wealth. At first, I felt some guilt in the idea that maybe I was being greedy.

Then, after putting in some effort and making a little bit of money off of some of my original artwork, I realized it wasn’t greed.

I was creating something, hopefully of value to others, and being compensated for my work. The best part, I enjoyed being a creator.

Now in my early forties, I have a different mindset. Yes, do I want to create extra income to support my family? Of course. Do I want to continue to build wealth? Yes, of course, I do. That is not greed, that is a necessity.

However, I’ve added to my reasoning. First, I love the idea of being a creator. I simply enjoy making. Second, taking on the effort of creating forces me to improve my personal leadership.

Personal Leadership for a Side Hustle

Being able to balance a family, a full-time career and a side hustle is a challenge. Managing my time is key, but with some effort, anyone can balance the various priorities and still make a side hustle work.



Vincent Vicari

Writings on Personal Development, Leadership, and Creativity.